Joy of Godzilla Top Graphic
How can you help the Joy of Godzilla?
Look below to find out.


-- Link to this website! Share the Joy of Godzilla! --
Let people know about WRAD with sidewalk Chalk!
--Side Walk Chalk!--
1) Buy side walk chalk.
2)write adn draw cool stuff about The Joy of Godzilla on public property.(On light poles, roads, side walks, drive ways, parking lots, pavement, your little brother...)

Tell your Favorite bands about us, so they can play their music on air!
--Tell Bands, Artists, and Friends about The Joy of Godzilla--
(See Project Solidarity)
1) Tell bands about us (at shows, via email, call them).
2) Go to their website and post on thier message boards so that other fans can listen to the band's songs on The Joy of Godzilla.
3)Post a message on the guestbook about The Joy of Godzilla ***always include in your message, so that people can find out for themselves what the Joy of Godzilla is.***
so that they can...
If you make music, read poetry, or do coolness with noise, Send us a copy of your work! -- Send in Music (poetry, submit wirtings and links to the site) -- 1) Put music in the Drop Box in Smash Music in Caribian Connection in Five Points. I support local music.

If I play your music, I ask only three things of you. 1) Support local music. 2)Keep rock'n out! 3)Let people know that they can hear your music on The Joy of Godzilla on WRAD 91.5 FM. (link to us on your site (we can excahnge links), put a little blurb about us on your handouts, tell people at the end of a show that they can hear more of your music on WRAD 915 FM.... ya know, jsut be cool. Suport each other. Solidarity.)
Make and Put up Posters For The Joy of Godzilla 1)Print out posters.
2)Paste them on telephone poles, big metal things that contian electrical things on the side of the road, and stuff. (not on people's stuff!)

Look here's how to make stickers. You can make Joy of Godzilla stickers!
--E-MAIL ME and let me know what you like about the show and the site. What do you like and not like the most? Send me cool stuff to post on the site.--

Give us feed back! Talk with other fans. Go to the WRAD Forum.

--Eat your vitamins--